Tree-Mendous Maryland

TREE-MENDOUS MARYLAND, a program of the Maryland Forest Service, has been helping citizens restore tree cover on public land and community open space in Maryland since 1989. Tens of thousands of trees and shrubs have been planted in towns, communities, parks, and schools all over the state. These trees provide ecosystem benefits to Maryland’s environment including; filtering air and water, providing habitat for wildlife, increasing Urban Tree Canopy, sequestering carbon and more. The high quality, native trees and shrubs are provided by Clear Ridge Nursery.
Pick-Up and Delivery Options (you must select one on the order form when ordering):
- Your order may be picked up, by you at:
Clear Ridge Nursery – 3400 Lowman Lane, Union Bridge, MD 21791. Hours: 8:00am – 3:00pm - For an additional charge, Clear Ridge Nursery will deliver your order directly to your planting site. Please arrange your delivery directly with Clear Ridge Nursery at 410-775-7700 after receiving an order confirmation from us.
A single delivery at no additional charge will be made early in the Spring & Fall season to the following parks and forests throughout the state:
- Tuckahoe State Park
- Green Ridge State Forest
- Cedarville State Forest

If you wish to be included in one of these outlying deliveries, please place your order with 48 hours of date.
**Deliveries will be made at 10 am**
After your order is processed, you will receive a confirmation email – Please bring it with you when you pick up your order. Be sure to count your trees & shrubs at Clear Ridge BEFORE you leave the grounds. (Shortages discovered later will NOT be replaced.) Conditions of Sale – All container grown plants are guaranteed to be true to name and healthy upon delivery. Clear Ridge will gladly correct any claims made within 5 days of the receipt of trees.
This is NOT a program for planting on private property. All trees must be planted on public land including, but not limited to; parks, community open spaces, rights-of-ways, government facilities, and school grounds.
Please apply for the PLANT Community Award! (People Loving And Nurturing Trees), sponsored by the MD Urban & Community Forest Committee (MUCFC), it acknowledges towns, homeowner associations, schools, and other entities that are actively involved in tree planting and care programs. For more information about PLANT, visit: or call 410-260-8510.
MUCFC of the MD Forestry Boards offers grants of up to $1,000 for schools, parks, cities and towns, homeowner associations, and other groups involved in volunteer tree planting and tree care projects on public land. Find the grant application at:
For more information contact:
Ryan Mayenschein
Send us a message:
Clear Ridge Nursery, Inc.
3400 Lowman Lane
Union Bridge, MD 21791
Phone: (410) 775-7700
Fax: (410) 848-5806