Salix nigra (Black Willow)
Black Willow is a medium-sized tree reaching heights of 35-50 feet in the open. Many native Willows are rather clumpy due to their awkward growing position on streambanks and wetlands. However, Black Willow has the potential to be a nice landscaping tree with a round topped crown. Growth is extremely fast, especially when young.
Leaves are dark green with silvery undersides which provides an interesting texture, especially when the wind blows.
Black Willow loves moisture-it is usually found native around wetlands, marshes, ponds, and streambanks. Prefers a sunny location. Extremely easy to transplant. If you want another Willow tree, simply clip a straight branch (whip) from the tree in winter and stick it in the ground (preferably a moist area). The following spring, it should grow roots and into a tree!