Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)
Winterberry Holly is a multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded habit with an ability to sucker and form colonies. It typically grows about 6 to 10 feet tall in a landscape or planted environment. Can be pruned to promote good shape and form. One of the few deciduous hollies that will lose its leaves in autumn.
Winterberry is aptly named for its gorgeous fruit set in the fall. Clusters of red fruit will cover the entire plant (on females) and will typically persist through the winter. Since there are both male and female plants, you’ll need both in order to get fruit. Females will only fruit if there is a male plant nearby for wind pollination. We have a variety of male and female cultivars and can help assist you in order to make sure you get fruiting.
Very adaptable, especially to wet conditions. Native to swamps and wetlands so it enjoys living in moist, well-drained soil. Will grow in full sun or part shade. Fairly easy to transplant from quality nursery stock.